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Best Freight Shipping Tips For Going Green

01 Dec 2022
best freight shipping
Best freight shipping – American Freightways

For the environmentally conscious, dealing in freight can be problematic as any distance over which some form of a vehicle has to be used will result in pollution. Even with the best freight shipping coordination in play, it is to be expected. Here are some tips on how to limit this impact and hopefully limit the carbon footprint of your business.

Use recycled packaging with discount freight shipping

A good first step lies in choosing recyclable and sustainable packaging for your shipments. It is easy to shop around for packaging suppliers that rely on such materials the ensure eco-friendly packaging. Even if you need to brand the boxes, be sure to use inks and adhesives that are biodegradable and will thus not interfere with efforts to recycle the packaging after it is no longer reusable.

Do the same when choosing filler or insert materials. Some options like Styrofoam have been industry staples but can be hazardous when disposed of in the environment. Consult with your packaging supplier to ensure you can be provided with a comprehensive solution.

Reduce packaging sizes for best freight shipping

One of the best freight shipping strategies to keep your shipments green is to ensure that you minimize as much as possible on the packaging. This means getting packaging that is a snug fit around the items being shipped. When your shipment takes up less space and is of a lower weight, it ensures your items take up less space and allows for more packages to be included in the vehicle. Optimizing the dimensions of your shipment will also reduce waste.

Discount freight shipping with ground shipping

Ground shipping generates less pollution than air shipping. Offering clients discounted freight shipping if they choose this option can help reduce this problem. It is more affordable and will often be chosen by customers that are further away and want to limit the cost of their purchase. Shop around with different shippers to find out who can offer you the best value for money on different routes and use them accordingly.

Refine return policy for best freight shipping

Try to incentivize and educate your customers so they can try to limit their carbon footprint when carrying out returns. If selling through outlets, see if they can handle the return instead of having the customer struggle to get the product back to you on their own. You can arrange to pick up returns while making deliveries to the outlets. Also, encourage customers to reuse the packaging they initially received to limit the need to use new packaging if sending back the item after repair or making a replacement.