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Exotic Car Transport Service Tips

24 Nov 2020

exotic car transport

Exotic cars are some of the very best in the world. They are high in quality, high performance, and unique design and at times at limited quantities. Antique collector vehicles are also beautifully exotic cars. These vehicles are with the finest construction materials, and feature unique designs.

Because of their high value, greater attention is given to their logistics when being shipped. Here are some key aspects that need to be covered.


When shipping vehicles, one of the most basic decisions is whether to use an open or enclosed trailer. When it comes to exotic car transport, enclosed trailers are the standard choice. Having a luxury car exposed on an open trailer leaves it vulnerable to damage from weather conditions and flying road debris. Even a small scratch on such expensive vehicles can run thousands of dollars in repair. Enclosed trailers help ensure controlled conditions and protection.

Single Car Trailers

Owners of luxury vehicles tend to be more demanding. They want shipment and delivery of their vehicle on a tight schedule. Exotic car transport services ensure that this demand is met by arranging for single-car trailers. In most auto transport arrangements, the carrier will organize for multiple vehicles to be placed on the trailer. This means combining the orders from different clients. Because several orders are being fulfilled, some clients will have to wait longer before they take delivery.

A single-car trailer is dedicated to just one client, ensuring the fastest delivery times. And because it is smaller, the vehicles can be delivered just about anywhere. Larger trailers are not always able to access certain roads and locations due to size concerns.


At this level of expenditure, the cost is not really a barrier. The clientele is more concerned with the safe and quick delivery of their vehicles and does not care much about haggling over price. It is however noteworthy that there are several exotic car transport services firms in most markets. And in order to compete, you will likely find that they offer different price points.

Work with an experienced freight forwarder that can engage these companies to find the best quality service at a reasonable cost. They should pay due attention to the track record of the transporter in handling such luxury vehicles, insurance policy, customer service, and equipment.