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Get to Know More About Auto Transport Service

15 Jan 2019

Transferring to a different country or to another state can both be exciting and stressful. Exciting because you get to meet new people, experience a new place, and start all over again. On the other hand, it could also be stressful if you think of all the things you have to move, especially your car.

You don’t have to worry anymore. The solution to your problem is pretty simple. All you have to do is partner with an auto transporting company or a freight forwarder.

Of course, you have to choose a company which has an excellent trust rating and one which has a reputable background. Your purpose is to make moving as seamless and as pleasant as possible. It would simply defeat the purpose of getting help if you have to worry about your beloved car while it’s on transit.

Difference Between Brokers and Carriers

Before you ship your cars abroad or to a different state, you have to know first the difference between an auto transport service carrier and an auto transport broker. The former is the one responsible for physically carrying, shipping, and delivering your beloved automobile to a designated delivery address. The latter, on the other hand, are middlemen who work by coordinating the entire intake and shipping process with the auto transport carrier and give appropriate updates to the customer.

You can choose whether or not you want to engage the services of an auto transport broker. If not, you can directly coordinate and track the status of your vehicle with the auto transport firm.

What is the Process?

As a form of due diligence on your part, before you engage the services of any auto transport company, make sure that you have also researched on what types of services most auto transporting company offers and as to what should you look for in an auto transport service providers. Once you’ve done your share of research, you have to contact your chosen auto transport service company to fill out the necessary forms.

The auto transport company will have to check and assess your car for any kind of damage and have the same listed down. This step is necessary for the company to know if there are new physical damages like scratches and bumps that are added after shipping. Once done, all you have to do now is to move your other things and wait for your vehicle to safely arrive at your new home.

The estimated delivery date will be communicated to you by the company. Upon arrival at the destination, another inspection will be had, this time to check if the vehicle accrued damages while in transit. Should there be damages after the second inspection, the company’s insurance will cover the corresponding repair expenses.

With a reliable auto transport service as your partner, you will always have peace of mind.