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Shipping the Right Way

12 Jul 2012

Shipping is an all-important service to the American public. However, not everything can be shipped when you need it to be and there is always the risk of it not being there on time. The two important factors about shipping is timeliness and fleet services – both of which the United States Postal Office or shipping companies such as FedEx and DHL can’t guarantee. Where companies who have major shipping needs, the dependence on reliable fleets and services increase. A freight delivery service is probably the best thing one can possibly take advantage of because of the dedicated services. It so happens that a small business that is relocating from one building to another or from one state to another, takes advantage of a shipping service that moves their equipment at the drop of a hat.

The Advantages of Freight Companies

Where the Post Office and FedEx fail is that, logistically, they don’t have the supplies and tools to make it work. They predicate their services on smaller freight such as small packages and mail – when adding a large supply for their shipping, they are ill equipped. Freight companies have been around for hundreds of years for a good reason. There are many advantages to freighting businesses.

  • Fleets – There is a dedicated fleet to handle all of the services in question. Whether it’s a small freight or a large one, companies are well equipped with the right tools to get the job done. These fleets are also capable of going as far as one need to go with their freight. It doesn’t matter if the freight needs to go across the state or across the country.
  • Cost – When it comes to shipping logistics, the cost can’t be beat. Prices are specifically designed to help companies save money. Going with postal services and FedEx are exorbitant. The costs for these companies can be twice, as much as three times more than freight companies.
  • Years of Experience – Experience goes a long way in the freighting business. It truly makes its mark because freight shipping is not an easy job. Coincidentally, the freighting business is the oldest business in the world.

There are plenty of great reasons to go with a shipping service like American Freightways in the United States. They not only get your freight to your destination on time, but they will do it at cost effective measures. Whether a business owner or a homeowner, moving has to be done right.