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Safety Tips for When Driving a Sprinter Van Service

24 Aug 2021

Sprinter van transporting services, sprinter van servicesMany people erroneously think that just because they can drive a personal car, they should be able to easily handle a van. This is not true. The larger size of a sprinter van is quite different than when driving a station wagon or SUV. Even when hiring engaging sprinter van transporting services for a day, you still need to ensure that you can properly handle a vehicle of this size. Here are a few tips to help ensure you get to return the vehicle in as good a condition as you picked it up.

Know The Route

Wherever you intend to drive the sprinter van you hire should be a route you are familiar with. Knowing where there will be a turn, pothole or junction can help make you more confident in how you will handle the drive. If you do not get a chance to familiarize yourself, be sure to drive at a moderate speed and at least glance at a map to plot out the route to follow. Online apps can be a big help, especially if you want to avoid gridlock and construction zones. They can help to quickly find alternate routes.

Check The Transmission

Check with your sprinter van service provider to learn what kind of transmission you will have to work with. Depending on what you are comfortable with, you may want to find out if they offer both manual and automatic so you can make a choice.

Note Heights

Sprinter vans have an elevated roof that helps make them great for storing large amounts of cargo. They may however prove problematic at some entrances and even underground parking structures. Some gates can even prove a tight fit that makes scrapping the sides likely. Make a note of the vehicle dimensions and keep an eye out for notices on such restrictions. If you suspect the van may not make it thorough unscathed stop before entering to check the situation.

Secure Your Cargo

Ensure that whatever you carrying in the van is well secured. Sprinter van transporting services are typically engaged for the purpose of moving cargo. If you are using a route you are unfamiliar with, there is the risk you may end up swerving or hitting a pothole. Though minor incidents, they can cause enough of jerking reaction to dislodge your cargo and cause damage. Ensure anything breakable is well secured and that the heaviest of items are kept at the lowest levels.